Breathe for tomorrow. There is no hope for today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Don't BLINK.....

So yeah today was a VERY long day.
The longest this week so far.
Seems like I was needed in different places all at once... well I was but I HATE that feeling.
People really got on my nerves today.
I'm captain of my dance team at school so today was the second session of auditions. On top of the 15 most shy, timid, uncooperative girls and the 2 crazy ass boys i had yesterday, i got a good 10 more today. And the best part about that (TOTAL SARCASM) was the fact that i only had 3 people helping me. Everybody CONVENIENTLY had something to do.... including me. I had to go downtown to the Foundation Center to look up grants and things for college. Jumping back to tryouts. These girls just couldn't grasp how serious this was to me. So i had to pull a bitch move. I cut like 8 girls in the middle of practice. I just couldn't take the bullshit anymore. I was getting ready to curse these people out. When the cuts were over the atmosphere felt so much better. All in all i got some good girls today. The whole Foundation Center thing was cool.
Changed my whole outlook on things. This leads me into what i really want to write about..
Today was the 1st time a piece of literature changed the way i view the world. Yeah the teacher always asks "How has this affected you?" and you give the bullshit answer "Its like changed the way i see things blah blah blah." But today i can truly honestly say I've been changed. Its this play we're reading in English titled No exit by Jean-Paul Sartre. There are 3 characters that are put in hell together in one room with no eyelids,constant light, 3 couches, mantle piece, an ugly statue, and a paper knife. Throughout the play (which is mighty short (46 pages)) the characters discuss their stories and reasons as to why they're in hell, go through their trials and tribulations, and towards the end one of the character makes the realest statement ever. He says You remember all we were told about the torture chambers,the fire... old wives tales!... There is no need for red hot pokers..HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE. I read this and said OH SHIT. He's absolutely right. When you think about it, there are just those people that are put here to torture you whether physically or mentally or both. We are literally in hell on earth now. This kind of eases my mind about death. Weird. But it does. Also, songs really changed my outlook on things. Its this one band whose songs tend to open my eyes to certain things. Their songs are more like poems that don't rhyme that are put to music. SO TOUGH!!!... I gotta see em in concert. Like listening to music today, like my song selection, almost made me break down into tears... ON THE TRAIN. I dead serious shed a tear. It was really moving. Maybe because everything seemed to relate to me. They say that when you're sad or feeling some type of way (TEEN SLANG) everything seems to relate. Been feeling a little lonely but I'll get to that later.
This was the soft side of ARI..don't get used to it. >=/
So yeah, I'm off this bloggers until tomorrow.......

Oh yea i know you're wondering... where are the mind games i was hinting at? Don't worry... I like to lure my victims in b4 twisting their brains like little tight dred-locks (weird analogy... yeah i know). HAVE A NICE NITE

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