Breathe for tomorrow. There is no hope for today.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just some thoughts

Its 11:04 pm. Do you know where your children are? I'm about to wash my hair. Kind of late right? I know. I've been procrastinating. I'm going to get to that later. Umm. WE INTERRUPT THIS SHOW TO BRING YOU THIS. 1st thought of the night and some comments. What is wrong with the female species these days. It seems to me that minute after minute, the female gets more emotional. Its annoying because we're emotional creatures to begin with. That plus more emotion equals DANGER. I catch myself getting emotional sometimes. I quickly try to tap into my "guy" side and shut all that gushy shit out. Sometimes I can't help it. I AM HUMAN. But damn it seem like all the other girls just let these emotions take control. Then they wanna shut people out that didn't do anything to them. That is what peeves me the most. You're feeling bad? OK. But don't give me your ass to kiss. Because I DEFINITELY WONT. You could hop off a bridge if you want. Ill still go to your funeral and say how much of a "good and caring person you was". Psshhh. Next thought. Where the fuck is the romance guys? Did that shit just disappear off the face of the earth? What happened to wanting to take a girl out. Buy her a few things. Instead we get a trip to the free crib and you expect us to be ecstatic. NEGATIVE. I like to be wined and dined. I'm just a hopeless romantic I guess. Next thought. I really dislike overly judgemental people. I think its rude and uncalled for. Everyone has their flaws. You don't have to pick at them 24/7. DAMN. Another thought. DON'T IGNORE ME. The fuck. YOU TELL ME YOU WANNA TALK TO ME THEN YA ASS GETS DISTRACTED for whatever dumb ass so called "REASON". UGH THAT'S FUCKING ANNOYING. That one just popped up. I've really stressed and out of focus (if that makes sense). These college things and stuff is crazy. Don't think I'm ready and i feel people look down on me. Next thought. I need more GUY friends. Girls are too much work. Next thought. MURDA MOOK WON THAT BATTLE BETWEEN HIM AND SERIOUS JONES. Next thought. I NEED TO GET AWAY. Somewhere I've never been. Somewhere no one knows me. Next thought. I often wonder who likes me and who doesn't and why?. Idk. Its interesting to know. Last thought of the night i guess. I gotta wash my hair. This is the most important one i guess. This election coming up is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Its the most historical as well. We have OBAMA vs MCCAIN. What i really want to talk about is the plot to kill Obama. There are many, many plots to kill him. AND IT PISSES ME OFF. This country is full of IGNORANT BIGOTS. It amazes me to see that in hundreds of years since slavery, we've come this far to just go backwards. We are on a downward spiral straight into hell and i don't want to be here when the ground begins to open up. Its a scary thought because if OBAMA wins, there are going to be race riots. It will not be safe for black people anywhere. These crazy ignorant bastards planned on shooting up a black school. WTF. This is insane. It really causes me pain and heartache to think about the kind of people that live in this country. Well that's all for tonight. We will return back to your scheduled programming.

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